Fungal Toenail Treatment Options

Fungal Toenail Treatment Options

Are you suffering from toenail fungus?toenail fungus

Toenail fungus is when toenail, fingernail, or even skin under a nail, is infected. Your Boca Raton, FL, podiatrist can help you deal with toenail fungus with laser treatment, and provide preventative care options.

Fungi, yeasts, or molds may result in toenail infection. Fungi thrive in warm and moist places. Try to avoid using nail clippers used by someone who has a toenail fungus, and stepping barefoot on public showers and pools, which are places for fungi to thrive.

There are at-home and prescribed treatments, depending on how bad the infection. Treatments include topical and oral anti-fungal treatments that can suppress infection and symptoms.

Untreated toenail fungus can spread and result in more severe issues. Be sure to look out for the following symptoms:

  • Darkened, yellow, or white toenail
  • Nails split from the nail bed
  • Thick or brittle nail

If you suffer from toenail fungus, you should see your Boca Raton podiatrist for treatment, especially since toenail fungus is hard to treat and re-occur. The recurrence and/or severity need longer lasting and more intense treatment, laser technology.

Laser treatment is another great option to help treat fungus. The FDA-approved laser beam targets pigmentation present in fungi. The fungi absorb the laser's light. The light creates heat that ends up destroying the fungus in the toenail. The laser treatment doesn’t harm soft, healthy tissue near the infected nail bed.

For more information or to schedule an appointment for laser treatment in Boca Raton, FL, call Dr. Block at (561) 368-3232 today!