Are You Dealing with Heel Pain?

Are You Dealing with Heel Pain?

Put an end to your heel pain and get back into the swing of things again.

Did you awaken in the morning thinking you were going to go to the gym but quickly realized that one of your heels is in a lot of pain? Isheel pain the pain bad enough that you even have trouble walking? Heel pain can be the result of a couple different issues but the most common cause is plantar fasciitis, a condition that causes inflammation within a thick band of tissue that runs along the soles of the feet. Our Boca Raton, FL, podiatrist, Dr. Mark Block, is here to shed some light on this very common foot problem.

What is plantar fasciitis?

There is a thick band of tissue that runs along the soles of your feet from your toes to the heel, and this tissue is known as the plantar fascia. When the plantar fascia develop microtears from injury or misuse, it becomes inflamed, leading to heel pain and sometimes arch pain, as well.

What are the symptoms of plantar fasciitis?

As we mentioned before, the most common symptom is heel pain that may radiate to the arches since the plantar fascia are also responsible for supporting the arches of your feet. Heel pain can range from a dull ache to a sharp stabbing pain. In most cases, the pain will be worse when you first get up in the morning or after long periods of standing or sitting.

You may find that symptoms dissipate throughout the day and even during exercise but come back quickly and sometimes severely right after.

How does plantar fasciitis happen?

In most cases, our patients know what they might have suddenly changed up in their routine that could have lead to this problem. More often than not it’s runners and other athletes who suddenly increased the intensity or duration of a workout without progressing gradually.

Of course, if you also spend long hours on your feet for work, you may also be at an increased risk for heel pain.

How can I treat my heel pain?

First thing’s first, our Boca Raton foot doctor will want to determine if plantar fasciitis is to blame for your heel pain or if there is an injury or other health problem that could be causing your symptoms. Once we determine that you have plantar fasciitis, we can walk you through your treatment plan.

Luckily, most plantar fasciitis cases can be treated with simple, conservative at-home measures such as:

  • Over-the-counter medications
  • Resting and avoiding high-impact activities
  • Wearing proper and supportive footwear
  • Splinting or bracing the foot at night
  • Wearing custom orthotics
  • Stretching and strengthening exercises (which we can show you during your checkup)

Do you have questions about treating your heel pain? Is this the first time you’ve had plantar fasciitis? If so, our foot specialists here in Boca Raton, FL, are ready to answer your questions and provide your feet with the care they need. Call our office today.